In 1969, Leon Leyritz, a renowned French sculptor, brought his artistic vision to the world of perfumery through a unique creation for Jean Desprez's iconic fragrance, Bal à Versailles. Leyritz, whose celebrated works include sculptures gracing the Paris Opera House, was tasked with designing a vessel worthy of the luxurious essence it would contain. His masterpiece for Desprez took the form of a striking statuette of Janus, the Roman god with two faces—a symbol deeply rooted in mythology, representing duality, beginnings, and transitions.
This design choice was both symbolic and elegant. Janus, with his ability to look simultaneously to the past and the future, reflected the timeless nature of Bal à Versailles, a fragrance that paid homage to the grandeur of Versailles while being firmly planted in the present. The sculpted bottle, with its two contrasting faces, also embodied the duality within the fragrance itself—rich, sensual, and opulent, yet also refined and delicate. The Janus figure, carved with Leyritz's signature attention to detail, added an air of classical sophistication to the perfume presentation, aligning perfectly with the aura of regal luxury that Bal à Versailles exuded.
Beyond its artistic merit, the Janus statuette also held practical value as it was designed to hold the precious perfume in a bottle concealed within the sculpture, merging form and function seamlessly. This collaboration between sculptor and perfumer elevated Bal à Versailles from a mere fragrance to a work of art, a collector's piece that appealed to both connoisseurs of fine perfume and admirers of high art.